Communications Planning
It all starts with a plan. From the big picture to the finite details, planning helps ensure your time and energy increase your bottom line - whatever that may be.
Issues Management
Often overlooked but knowing how you are going to manage an unhappy customer or sudden media attention ahead of time will help you sleep at night.
Media Relations
I love working with the media! From story-provoking news releases to full features on national or international platforms, nothing helps your success more than getting your good name in the news.
Content Creation
Content is king of the online world. I would also argue that it also rules in the real world. Whether it is words, images or design, get it right so it will rule whichever world you want to conquer!
Quick Delivery
I only take on clients when I know I can deliver their products in a timely manner. If life gets in the way, I will let you know right away of any delays. Communications professional means just that.
"Ever since the Visitor's Guide was published, we've been getting rave reviews about it -- especially about the writing/content/readability. So the thanks go to you, for all your hard work. Visitor Information Centres throughout the Interior of BC, and visitors from as far away as Oregon, have been saying this is the best magazine they've ever seen. Thanks again!"
- Judy, Editor (retired), Peninsula News Review
"Ann has been writing for us in the pet area since 2007. Not only is the she most talented writer we've worked with, she's also is great at coming up with ideas for new projects that help my company. She's more like a business partner. I trust her enough to manage projects with very little input from me, because she's very good at what she does, and I always know that she is passionate about creating great results for my company."
Blu Ru is my flip side. Through sixteen years of working with small- to medium-sized business in a range of sectors to realize their business potential and the last eight years of large corporate and government experience, Blu Ru has you covered.
Are you an overwhelmed new business owner trying to make sense of branding, marketing and social media? Have you even thought about your communication plan? Are you an established business with a gap in your communications and content? Or are you growing fast and need to think about the corporate culture of your business?
Reach out - I can help.
09/1998 - TODAY
My Work
Hi, I'm Ann
I am a writer, a photographer and a designer.
I am a communications professional and a strategic thinker.
I am a storyteller.